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228 Summit
Pierson, Iowa
Les Larson, Pastor - 375-5048
Sunday, September 19
9:30 a.m. - Sunday School
10:30 a.m. - Worship Service
~Pastor Keith Pals
Parsonage Phone 375-5520
Sunday, September 19
9:15 a.m. - Worship Service
10:30 a.m. - Sunday School
Pastor Keith Pals
Parsonage Phone 375-5520
Sunday, September 19
9:30 a.m. - Sunday School
10:30 a.m. - Worship Service
Correctionville, Iowa
Kent Kastler, Pastor
Phone 712-373-5382
Sunday, September 19
9:00 a.m. - Worship Service
4:00 to 6:00 p.m. - Youth Fellowship
(1= & 3rd Sunday)
Rural Correctionville
Rev. Scott Meier, Pastor
Sunday, September 19
9:00 a.m. - Sunday School
10:00 a.m. - Worship
11:00 a.m. - Pork Chop Dinner
Tuesday, September 21
9:00 a.m. - Do Day
Wednesday, September 22
6:00 to 7:15 p.m. - 6th/7th
7:15 to 8:30 p.m.- 8th
8:30 to 9:30 p.m. - 9th
Kingsley, Iowa
Father James Fangman, Pastor
Saturday at 6:00 p.m.
Sunday at 9:00 a.m.
Christian Concert at UMC
Double Portion, a popular gospel mu-
sic group with a new country style, will
present,a Christian Concert at the Pier-
son United Methodist Church on
Thursday, September 23, 7:00 p.m. A
freewill offering will be taken.
The group from North Battleford,
Saskatchewan, Canada began Singing
together in 1982. They have criss
crossed from Newfoundland to British
Columbia; Nashville, Tennessee to
Alaska. Over the years they have in-
corporated a drummer, a guitarist and a
keyboard to compliment their voices.
Their music appeals to all age groups.
They have appeared on the Grand O1'
Opry stage, numerous fairs, festivals
and jamborees, including the Clay
County Fair in Spencer. They have
been guest artists at the Cash Family
Reunion and performed at Artist Spot-
light Showcase in Louisville, Kentucky
and Canadian Gospel Quartet Conven-
tion in Red Deer, Alberta.
Their songwriting talent has resulted
in six albums and being honored with
the Country Gospel Album of the Year
Award by the Saskatchewan Country
Music Association in 1993.
Funeral Services Held
For Warren M. Thomas
Warren M. Thomas, 71, of Kingsley
died Monday, September 6, 1999, at
Floyd Valley Hospital in Le Mars,
Services were at 10:30 a.m. Friday,
September 10, 1999 at United Method-
ist Church in Kingsley. Burial was in
Kingsley Cemetery under the direction
of Eamest-Michaelson Funeral home in
Mr. Warren was boi'n May 22, 1928,
in Marshall, Michigan, the son of P_xtgar
A. and Clad (Penn) Thomas. He was
raised in the Marshall area, where he
graduated from high school. He then
attended Michigan State College.
He was employed as a truck driver
with Sioux City Motor Express,
Hirschbach Motor Lines and Artex
Truck Lines.
He married Helen Rice on May 1,
1960, in Sioux City. The couple lived
in Sioux City, until moving to HinteR,
Iowa, in 1968. They moved to Kingsley
in 1970. He was employed as a bus
driver for Kingsley School. In 1976, he
did custom hay work for area farmers.
He then began trucking and continued
until his retirement.
He enjoyed woodworking and
miniature horses.
Survivors include his wife; two
daughters and their husbands, Louise
and Del Abbott of Tucson, Arizona,
and Ilene and Keith Yoshida of Stras-
burg, Colorado; three sons and their
wives, Kerry and Marilee of Lone
Rock, Wisconsin, Jeff and Loft of Ire.
ton, Iowa, and Alan and Jeanne of
Minor, North Dakota; 18 grandchil-
.... WESTAFF, "CONTRACTUAL Loess Hills Discovery Sunday afternoon
SERVICES ..................................... 1,570.96 ticipant.
• , WOODBURY CNTY Tour II - October 2 & 3 BICYCLE Of
TREASURER. OFFICE This event is sponsored by the Onawa welcomed to join the
EQUIPMENT & FURN ................... 7,442,00
ZlEGLER INC, *PARTS ................ 12,893.22 Chamber of Commerce with the goal of place on
GRAND TOTAL- , .................... 498,261.41educating the public about the Loess tration for the bike
• DENOTES OTHER ITEMS INCLUDED Hills. it's history and it's future. There eludes the lbllowing:
Published in the Moville Record Thursday,
September 16, 1999. are many ways you can take advantage urday noon and
.... of this educational event, morning), one
-- 50 Years Ago - .- 60 Years Ago - Woodbury County HIKE Interested in hiking the Loess Tour T-shirt,
September 15, 1949 September 14, 1939 Board Proceedings Hills with interpretive guides? Differ- night - "The
Mr. and Mrs. V.D. Wells celebrated Pierson welcomes another young man , AUGUST 24, 1999 ent hikes will be available at several along each day's
their 25th wedding anniversary Sunday into its adult business personnel. As- EIGHTH MEETING OF THE locations in Monona and Woodbury with showers,
and were guests of honor at dinner in suming management Saturday, Edwin WOODBURY COUNTY counties. The cost per hike is $5 per garden (Saturday
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dorris Wahl Irwin, 19 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS adult and $3 per child 12 years and can choose from
at Sioux City. E.A. Irwin, began operation of the The Board of Supervisors met on under with pre-registration encouraged. The Saturday
The Pierson Trucking Service, oper- Fairmont Cream Station, formerlyTuesday, August 24, 1999 at 9:00 A.M. Hikes are scheduled for Saturday different and all
ated by M.W. Martin and Bud Neifert managed by Harry Herbold. Board members present were Batchel-
ler, Boykin, Clausen, Walish, and Welte. morning and afternoon as well as Sun- faced roads. The
added a new International truck re- Funeral services for D.W. Hinkhouse, Staff members present were Nancy day afternoon, the Heart o1" the
cently. 81, Rock Branch farmer, were held Hedge, Board Administrative Coordina- NEW THIS YEAR!! A chartered buslong routes begin
Forty-four head of 4-H Club lambs from the Wilson-Hull chapel at Cor- tor, Patrick F. Gill, Clerk to the Board, will be traveling to Broken Kettle Routes vary from3
from the Woodbury County fair at rectionville at 2:00 p.m. Saturday after- and John Rusch, Board Legal Counsel. Grasslands located north of Sioux City routes to 65 for
Moville, were sold at auction Saturday noon. The Claims were approved as pre- near Westfield on Saturday, October 2. bike routes travel the
at the Sioux City stockyards. The grand Pierson's Blue Ribbon 4-H Club sented. This day trip will leave Onawa at 8:00 nic Byways with
champion lamb exhibited at the fair by closed another successful year last Meeting called to order, a.m. destined for Broken Kettle Grass- and port-a-pots.
Milton Bauer of the Pierson 4-H Club, week at the Woodbury County Fair. There was open discussion period lands for a morning of guided hiking available
heldbythe Board. are
was sold to the Strange Brothers Hide The champion dairy heifer at the fair Motion by Batcheller second by Welte tours. The group will have lunch at
Co. for $85 per hundredweight, was exhibited by Vinton Bradshaw in to approve the regular Board Minutes of Smithland's Fowler Park and continue for the ride is 8:00 gn
The Securities and Exchange Com- the Guernsey division. In the dairy August 17, 1999 as submitted. Carried in the afternoon with a guided bus tour day.
mission in Washington last Thursday heifer division Margaret Faulkender 5-0. of the Loess Hills area before returning Saturday even~
approved plans that will result in the won the Jersey calf class going on to Motion by Boykin second by Welte to to Onawa. The cost will be $25 per turing "THE
merger of the Iowa Public Service Co., win the Jersey Champion. Milton Pc- approve the minutes of the Executive participant on a first-come, first serve public and will be
the Sioux City Gas & Electric Co., terser won the Guernsey yearling class. Session of August 17, 1999 as submit- basis with a limited number of seats town Onawa. Dance
South Dakota Public Service Co., Ne- Betty and Eugene Herbold, daughter ted. Carried 5-0.
Motion by Batcheller second by Boykin available, costs $6 per
braska Public Service Co. and the and son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Her- to authorize Chairman to sign claim BUS TOUR Guided bus tours of the Onawa'(~
Yankton. Gas Co., all of which have bold placed first, second and third with request form to State of Iowa for the Loess Hills will be available which Registration &
been operated by the same managemem their entries in the Brown Swiss class. Special Election called by the State for provide an educational blend of the past LOESS HILLS
for many years with headquarters in Robert Herbold was the club's only the Constitution Amendments. Carried and present of the Loess Hills of West- 11 is Onawa, Iowa
Sioux City. When these companies representative to win a place in the 5-0. Copy filed, ern Iowa. The two-hour tours will in- High School
have been combined, in 2 or 3 months, baby beef show " The Board approved the separation of elude a portion of the Loess Hills See- 15th Street. For
they will assume the name of the Iowa Road signs, soon to be conspicuously Matt L. Todd, Temp. Summer Laborer,
Public Service Co. displayed on all arterial and state high- Secondary Roads, effective 8/13/99. nic Byways along with the unique cat- the many
Copy filed, steps and native prairie and other places the Onawa chamber
. .... ' ways leading into Pierson is a corn- The Board approved the separation of of interest to be determined by the tour (712) 423-1801 or
pleted project long contemplated by the Phil G. Hans, Jr., Temp. Summer La- guides. Chartered bus tours are avail- ber@~
Business Men's Club. J.A. Brodie and borer, SecondaryRoads, effective able on Saturday morning and after-
Mayor Alvin Crom were appointed the 8/20/99. Copy filed, noon at a cost of $10 per participant |S YOUr
committee to place the signs. Motion by Welts second by Boykin to and a school bus tour is available on
set the Public Hearing and Sale of Real
Estate Parcel #093375 on September 7,
dren; two great-grandchildren; and a PRESTO X CO, "MAINTENANCE 1999at 10:15AM. Carried5-0. Annual Pork Chop
brother, Harold of Marshall. CONTRACTS ..................................... 364.50
He was preceded in death by his par- SUPPLIES ............................................ 91.44 SUPERVISORS OF WOODBURY Dinner
-- L, TRAVEL EXPENSES ...................... 10.13 NOTICE OF PROPERTY SALE Sunday, September 19, 1999
Pierson Town Meeting RICHMOND, RONALD G, Parcel # 093375 11:00 am. to 2:00 pm
The Future Betterment Committee of EMPLOYEE MILEAGE .......................... 5.00 WHEREAS Woodbury County, Iowa
RIVER HEIGHTS ASSOC, RENT IS the owner under a tax deed of a At The SALEM LUTHERAN
Pierson will sponsor a Pierson Area PAYMENTS ASSISTANCE ................. 97.00
Town Meeting at 7:00 pm on Septem- ROAD MACHINERY & certain parcel of real estate described 1391 Lee Avenue - Correetionville, Iowa
ber 20 in the Pierson Community Cen- SUPPLIES, *FILTERS ....................... 187.66 as:
ROGERS ELECTRIC, That part of Lot Thirty-four (34) in Adults, $6.00 - Children 4-12, $3.50 - Pre.School (3
tar. The purpose of the meeting is to BUILDINGS ........................................ 137.40 Block One (1) of Chase and Taylor's Sponsored by Alpha and Omegas
involve a large number of town and SCHNEIDER"*, RICK D, Addition of Sioux City, described as:
rural residents in a discussion to gener- "TRAVEL EXPENSES .........................18.33 Commencing at the North-east corner Matching Funds By AAL Branch No. 7486
ate ideas, identify priorities, set goals, SCHUMACHER ELEVATOR, of said Lot Thirty-four(34); thence
• CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ....... 1,860.60
and develop plans of action to improve SEARS, "PARTS ................................. 162.98 Southwesterly along the East line of
the community. The session will be SECURITY NATIONAL BANK, said Lot One Hundred fifty-three feet
facilitated ,by Alan Vandehaar, Iowa OFFICE SUPPLIES ............................. 30.00 (153'); thence Westerly Tsn feet(10');
State University Extension Community SECURITY NATIONAL BANK thence Northerly Seventy feet (70');
(CRD-CARD), TRAVEL thence Northeasterly on a line paral-
'Specialist. EXPENSES ........................................ 938.20 lel with the said East line Ninety-two
SEDGWICK BRENNAN feet (39') to the South line of Seven-
Serviceman's News ABSTRACT CO,
Air National Guard Airman 1st Class PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ............ 150.00 teenth or Ash Street; thence Easterly
SEGAL CO, "PROFESSIONAL Thirty-nine feet (39') to the place of
Bobby L. Riordan has graduated from SERVICES ......................................... 655.15 beginning, in the County of Wood-
basic military training at Lackland Air SHELTON*'*. LINDA, bury and State of Iowa. (a.k.a.1204 - ANTHON PET SALON
Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.EMPLOYEE MILEAGE ........................ 27.90 17th Street)
SHERATON FOUR POINTS NOW THEREFORE, For All Your (;rooming needs BrldalNeedJ
During the six weeks of training, the HOTEL & SUITES. TRAVEL BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of • Licensed Salon • Hand Scissoring
airman studied the Air Force mission, EXPENSES .......................................... 84.53
Supervisors ofWoodbury County, • No Tranquilizing • Fluff Drying
organization, and customs and received SHOPKO, "HOUSEHOLD & Iowa as follows: • Flea/Tic Dip • Ears, Nails
special training in human relations. . INST. SUPPUE ................................. 351.40 All Breeds Welcome
In addition, airmen who complete ba- SHOPKO PHARMACY, 1. That a public hearing on the Grooming by Appl.
• PRESCRIPTION MEDICA- aforesaid proposal shall be -.(,.~==/~
sic training earn credits toward an asso- TION .................................................. 196.20 held on the 7th day of Sep- 712-373-5773
clare degree through the Community SIDWELL CO, PROFESSIONAL tember, 1999, at 10:15 (Old Pronto Location) rtltlTor,
College of the Air Fore. SERVICES .................................... 23,174.00 o'clock a.m. In the meeting
Riordan is the grandson of Donald SIGNS BY TOMORROW,
"SUPPLIES ..................................... 2,803.50 room of the Board of Su-
Klaschen of 217 Rutland St., Kingsley, sioux CITY BLUE PRINT CO, pervlsors on the first floor : Dr. Tom Foushee, D.P.M. Dr.
Iowa, and brother of Bill Riordan of OUTSIDE PRTG .................................. 33.00 of the Woodbury County NORTHWEST
602 Second Ave., Pierson, Iowa.SIOUX CITY BOLT CO, BOLTS .............. 5.42 Courthouse.
He is a 1996 graduate of King- SIOUX CITYCLERK, 2. That said Board proposes FOOT & ANKLE ASSOC, Office HourS:
DUES/MEMBERSHIPS ..................... 150.00 to sell the said parcel of real Available by appl. on Tues. 9-5 in
slay-Pierson High School, Kingsley. SIOUX CITY JOURNAL. estate at a public auction to Kingsley Office I West ~r~ St. Suite E 9:00.12:00"
' ' *OFFICIAL PURL. & LEGALS ........... 793.43 " ThursdaY,
Wo~bury C~unty SIOUX CITYTREAS (C/O be held on the 7th day of "Phone 378-3823
MARK), *DEPARTMENT September, 1999, imndedl- and at 1915 Morningside Ave., Sioux City 1~
Board P~|[]I~ HEADS .......................................... 19,667.19 ately following the closing Available by appointment on Hon., Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 214Main
~..OIIttl,~ F~ ~ 9) SIOUX CITY TREAS (447), of the public hearing. Phone (712) 274.8736
"COMMUNICATION CENTER ..... 44,950.993. That said Board proposes
MARKS MADSEN & SIOUXLAND LOCK & KEY, to sell the said real estate to
HIRSOHBACH, EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE ............ 15.00 the highest bidder at or
MATOUSEK*°', RICHARD L, CTR, "CASE MANAGE.- above a total minimum bid MOVILLE AREA E
INVESTIGATIONS .............................. 63.55 MEDICAID M ................................ .....351.42 of $362.00 plus recording
MILEAGE ............................................. 33.79 PAYMENTS ASSISTANCE ................. 28.32 4. That this reeolutlon, pre- Mark Rohd¢"
MENARDS, "BUILDINGS .................... 348.24 SLOAN GLASS SERVICE, ceded by the caption "No- ROGER L. COX, PA-C
MERCY BUSINESSHEALTH BUILDINGS ......................................... 13.53 rice of Property Sale" and CURTIS R. HESSE D.O.
COMP. MEDICAL .............................. 254.54 FEES- JUVENILE ............................. 446.25
METRO ELECTRIC INC, SO0 RENT ALL, *BUILDINGS ............ 163.18 graph 4 be published as no- Phone (712) 873.5225
BUILDINGS ....................................... 200.00 ST LUKES MEDICAL CTR tice of the aforesaid pro- Telephone
MICROFILM IMAGING (STONE), *HEALTH SERVICES posal, hearing and sale. Mon.-Fri. - Kingsley,
SYSTEMS, "MISCELLANEOUS ASSISTANC ................................... 7,271.38 Dated this 24th day of August, 1999 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m, 1:00 p.m,-5:00 p.m.
RENTALS .......................................... 330.00 STANDARD OFFICE WOODBURY COUNTY
"ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER .......... 264.54 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN (SLC- Copy filed.
MID AMERICAN ENERGY (SC- UT), "OFFICE SUPPLIES ................. 258.85 KingsleY
IA) ATTN, UTILITIES SWANEY EQUIPMENT CO, Motion by Boykin second by Walish to,~11.
ASSISTANCE ...................................... 51.50 "PARTS .......................................... 1,679.93authorize Chairman to sign certificate of Dr. Dennis"
MIDWEST PRINTING SWANSON ELECTRIC, completion for 1999 Maintenance Dr. John
SERVICES, PROFESSIONAL BUILDINGS ....................................... 431.25 Gravel Project G-199. Carried 5-0.
SERVICES ..: ...................................... 397.50 TEAM TIRES PLUS, "OUTSIDE The Board reviewed the quotes for Dr.
MIDWEST TURF & IRRIGATION SERVICES ........................................... 40.42 Timber Bridge floor plank
(O), EQUIPMENT ' THINKER TOYS, OFFICE Motion by Batcheller second by Boykin
MAINTENANCE ................................... 60.49 SUPPLIES ......................................... 300.00 Eyes
MIDWEST WHEEL, PARTS .................. 60.68 THORNE ROWE TRUCKING, to approve a quote from Wheeler Con-
MIKES REPAIR, "PARTS ......... .'. ......... 294.61 "BUILDINGS ................................... 2,030.67 solidated, Inc. in the amount of $28,455
MOVILLE J AND J MOTOR INC, TREASURER STATE OF IOWA, for Timber Bridge floor plank. Carried 5- Phone
MOTOR VEHICLE EQUIP- DUES/MEMBERSHIPS ....................... 40.00 0.
MENT ................................................... 30.54 TRI STATE BEHAVIORAL, The Board reviewed the recommenda-
MOVlLLE TRUE VALUE *PURCHASED tions of County Engineer, Richard Storm
HARDWARE, "BUILDINGS ................. 81.00 ADMINISTRATION ..................... 243,750.00regarding dust control on high traffic
• PARTS 293 51~SERVICES ASSIsTANC ..................... 36.00
NORTH St(3"IJX'CffY'POI'iC'E'"": ......... " UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, The County Picnic Committee reported
DEPT, NOTICES/SUBPoENAS .......... 15.00 MAGAZINES & BOOKS .................... 251.71 to the Board that they spent $1,195.75 Funeral Home TelephOne
NORTHWEST IOWA US WESTCOMMUNICATIONS- Out of a budgeted $2,000.00 on the
EXPENSE ............................................ 49.7t EXPENSE ............................................ 75.78 thanked them for their efforts and voiced ~/Tax
OBBiNK, M J, *EMPLOYEE VANGUARD APPRAISALS INC, their appreciation. Phone 712-873-5100
MILEAGE ....................................... 1,001.80 "PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ....... 3,400.00 ~/
PACKJ~ING STORE (SC-IA), WAL MART PHARMACY (SC-IA), Motion by Boykin second by Walish to
POSTAO~E&MAILING ........................ 16.13 OFFICE SUPPLtES ............................. 40.97 gO into Executive Session per Iowa Moville, Iowa
PARSONS EQUIPMENT CO, WAL MART STORES INC (SC- Code Section 21.5(1 )(g). Carried 5-0 on
"SIGNS ............................................... 429.53 IA), "OFFICE SUPPLIES ..................... 30.60 a roll call vote.
PAYLESS CASHWAYS, WALKER ELECTRIC, "OUTSIDE Motion by Boykin second by Batcheller
• BUILDINGS ...................................... 324.78 SERVICES ......................................... 426.95 tO go Out of Executive Session. Carried Dr. Byron Linden
EMPLOYEE MILEAGE ...................... 290.47 CITY (DE-MI), CONTRACTUAL Motion by Boykin second by Welts to
PERKINS OFFICE SOLUTIONS, SERVICES ...................................... 1,062.00 Phone (712) 873-5111
• OFFICE EQUIPMENT & WASTE MANAGEMENT-SIOUX approve the security recommendations
FURNITURE .................................. 1,406.63 CITY, "WATER/GARBAGE ............... 426.00 of the sheriff for the county homo and to Men. & Fri. 8:00-12:00 & 2:00-5:00
PETERSEN OIL CO, *GAS/OILS ........ 426.49 WELLMARK ADMINISTRATORS imptement the weekend work program Tues. & Thurs. -- 9:00-12:00 and
PETS N STUFF, CUSTODIAL (BOX 9120), MEDICAL FEES ...... 17,029.97 at that facility. Carried 5-0. 2:00-7:00
' SUPPLIES ............................................ 62.83 WELTE'°',MAuRICE, The Board adjourned ths regular
POWER EQUIPMENT SERVICE, EMPLOYEE MILEAGE ...................... 695.64 meeting until August 31, 1999. " Call for Appointment ,
EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE .......... 168,08 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CTR Published in the MoviUe Record 246 Main Movllle, lowa
PRENTICE HALL (DM-IA), (6187), MAGAZINES & BOOKS ....... 843.75 Thursday, September 16, 1999.
MAGAZINES & BOOKS ...................... 95.92