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Moville Record
Moville, Iowa
September 16, 1999     Moville Record
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September 16, 1999
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THE MOVILI~ RECORD- THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. 1999. PAGE 7 , r-, • / .AL.'r ::ED : ", • I(Minlmum Charge $4.00) • H ELP WANTED ' ' Am;ff 's Finest Natural Vitamin Sup-" surance depends on your specific fi- ]1on ................. 80 per line plements, Personal Care, Btod~rad- nancial situation. First, you must have ................... $4..s0 each able Cleaners for all jobs. Save $,$$. sufficient income to pay the premiums. ~nt per line is five (5) if buying insurance would make it dif- ' Of a line counts as a whole I HELP WANTED [] GET FREE PRODUCTS? CAREER OP" PORTUNITY. ficult to pay your other expenses then i;r8ELLR~g. ESTATE30x40~toryge,~Mmll~..,/+'Pin)NG~IOUSES~~VlLLE~n~le~!m/dungedre~e~OFbath, fireplace, den0fam60th,wai IdSTING Iklr., be MALM will THE St., costs Carport= advertisement., at home done Moville. and be Nice on 2 RECORD. rec Moville. be the SIOUX and of REALTY bath, SERVICE an at at all directions on 2-story rm, supplies 207 end paid 31 single the the charges approx, additional CA, CITY Realtor N regular Jones, of end before Vic- 3rd, dbl. and car the are of 2 If |] ]Sign-OnIr°rms IshlrtsI Ia°nus" If°rms IshirtsI ] I ] ] ] I | I~ ] [ ] ]] ] "Part-tlme Part-time, "CAREERAdvancementCasey's PartFull Hobart StockHELPLawton, available, Moville, Competitive available, furnished, furnished, Ume Bonus. Free 1820Time" Ownership or or Sales ApplyGeneralApply office UniformsWANTEDfull Hwy. Iowa Full-time IowaOPENINGS EmployeesOpportunity will At Benefits, at & benefits, New time Wages posdmn. 551030 Service 201039 train, Plan Store "CNA,Sign'Onl" RN.New l uni'luni-]All]aUl ] i ) J ] ] I J i I ![ m l i I ' " i ' i : ;m ~! ] = = tions,& Phone" ' Handyman, . Tues. & Thurs. - 7:00 to g p.m. orbyappt. " Your 301 Carpentry. D. Call: . CaU: Terrac|nl~& Bulldozer BarED-TheOld~rol)or~Store PHONE Electrical, . SHAKLEE Cedar ,i ,Marvin 873-3066 Wed., Oene Ken~s. ,, !..- 252-5215 Earth Sand 712o944-5204 Antiqu~ Land Lawton, .. ~ ~.,, Street " Pauline .......... & Remodeling, Independent (712) ~ & Sat.- ClearingKontraetingPlumbing, Fiewelling Moving Scraper orT.J. Flood Gravel! ~. Iowa lhrto ~ Shop I Lawton, Moville, ....... ........ 944-$319 -- to r-unk , Control " 5 ,873-3332 Dletdl~tor Work p.m. ' 873-5102. ~. Healing ~" =, Addlo Iowa "--- Iowa ~ " • .... ' "~ ~ ~ , ,,,m ,~ - II , , . , '. " ' i your care; [ Apply ~,: I FOR SALE • whether you can afford the premi- 14 REALTY I KINGSLEY NURSING & ] '98 Monte Carlo ums; nd St., Kingsley, IA I REHAB CENTER ] Like New! Factory Warranty! * whether the policy offers inflation ; Broker 712.378.2090 I 305 w. 3rd St. I protection if the price of care in- ~-Ph. 712.378.2090 I Phone 712-378-2400 ]. '97 Ford Ranger XLT creases; ~'Ph. 712-378.2090I " E.O.E. ) Auto-22K-Black ' * the length of a waiting period • Ph. 712-873.3455 '96 Plymouth Voyager before benefits will begin; ~" Ph. 712-873.3455 r , ..... , " 47K - $11,500 * the types of services that are pro- P& 712-546-6794 ,, WANTED ,, , '95 Dodge 4x4 vided - such as assisted living, i Red/Black home heath care or adult day care; and ~,,,~,,m~a,~. WANT TO BUY: FARM OR FARM- '95 Buick LeSabre • whether you need prior hospitali- ~, M&$Te stead in L-B or Moville area, minimumExcellent condition! zation to trigger benefits, of 20 aere~. Ph. 712-276-1822. 2Q-~f When you purchase a policy, look for WANT TO DO FALL HARVEST '95 Chevy Corsica Funeral services were held for Hart- City Clerk (11 Estate Needs Fiftd work. Call 712-876-2692. 20-1 p CleanI [ nah Spencer on Monday, September 7, A building, permit was. presented to the a company with a solid financial rating WANTED: CUSTOM HARVESTING. ' 95 Ford Taurus 1959 at' 2:00 p.m. at the E.U.B. Church Counc!l by _ Maa, n .. Shorman. T. and history of good service. Resist high LE: GREATLY RE- Have newer JD 9500. Call 873-3174 77K in Moville. The ReD. Forest Lay of- Ma. scn,ng mane a moaon m approve pressure sales tactics. Compare policies ficmted and bunal was made m the - --- " .... " by owner! 235 Ter- davs. 873-5479¢venings. l?-Sp ' " " ~Arl w~th A Peters secondingMotion of two or more companies before • cameo, au young aye. making a decision. Determine whether t. Newer 3 BR ranch WiLL DO HOME REMODELING & ' 94 Pontiac Sunbird ington Cemetery at Movflle under the . • ............ T. Maschsng made a motion to the policy qualifies as an Iowa certified ;e. Basement ready to patch work, light plumbing, spray 49K a~recnon ot me MC~t..UtlOCn runenu approve the Main Addition final Platting. long-term care insurance policy. A e possession. 873- painting. No job too small. Paulsen home of Moville. A. Kolker made second. Motion carried, certified policy can preserve assets by Const. Ph. 712-876-2856.| 5-3¢ KOCH'S Funeral services for Mrs. Ellen Baird. all voting aye. OWNERI 2 BDR.. WANTED CESSPOOL AND SEPTIC AUTOMOTIVE widow of Warren Baird, will be held Motion to approve Pronto's liquor disregarding amounts paid under the policy for your care and may assist in Church at Climbih= Hill ..... second oy a. t~eters. ~a ~oung aye, me earlier qualification for Medicaid as- close to school, vinyl cleaning, reasonable. We have a large ~ Kingsley, Iowa Friday at 2:00 p.m. at the First Baptist permit r.enow~ was made D. Grau, kitchen & bath, truck for cleaning Hog Confinements. ~r and Mrs John Tews of Lawtotl _. . • . Henrich Septic Service, Kingsley. Ph. 712-378-3530 ' .... " " • ..... motion carded" sistance if the policy doesn't cover "the • " . . rune meeting was aajoumecl at 8:10 entire cost of your care. You may get BDR. HOUSE IN 378-2088. 32-tf¢W' ~ , '~ ', will be honored on their 60th wedding o.m free advice about long-term car~ insur- Second St. New roof, 'WELL DRILLING AND REPAIRING. COMING AUCTION anniversary by having open house this ~ ' Shed L. Young once from a Senior Health Insurance 'siding, new furnace Sunday, September 20 from 2:30 to City Clerk Information Program (SHIIP) coun- ,'is, new carpet & ii- Many Soole, Bronson. Ph. 948-3374. Sunday, September 26 5:30 in their home in Lawton. Published In the Moville Record ~ -.~3.=~75. " l-fie ..... ~ , .... 4~-[fC.Barbara Carlson, 194 Deer Run Trail, ~ ceremony in verse composed by Thursday, September 16, 1999. selor at 1-800-351-4664. Climbing Hill, will hold a household ~rs Win Luseand flower presentation , .... ,,, ......... This information is provided by the :~,'7" " * ""rs R E ....eom L,ega~ rac~s from tne Legm Legal Hotline for Older lowing t • ~|SCELL~NEOUS . auction on Sunday, September 26 atm:~ratednOnor OZherm 50" years"; mcnaraSas a member" Hotllne For Older lowing 1-800-992-8161, a project of the Legal ........ ~ ....... I,.i~_. 1:00 p.m. Bud Chapman, auctioneer, LMEBOY COLOR I~~ ~~ U-~ will conduct the sale. q~f_t_he Eastern Star Monday evening Services Corporation of Iowa that is "" - M ' ~ Cross are "theWhen you need long-term care in a partially funded by the U.S. Admini- ...., .... ,7 .. ,4 .... k...., nursing nome, the care will generally ~case. Ph. 712-873- IpiA,t~4~A, p6t~-C~AtDe4~ Mr. and rs. Jonn • • stration on Aging. The Hotline is a free, be paid mrough Medicare, private IAc~'e~X~elklo~o OpeA't~ / ~eptember 11 at the Methodist hospital . . confidential service for all lowing 60 LL" DIRT, LIME- .~ ...,.~ ~.,.. payment, long-term care insurance or and older with questions on I S~uu^ ,,.. I Pumpkins, Gourds, Garden[ ' ~ Y" Medicaid (also known as title 19). This non-criminal legal matters. , .:all~ crushedTriple concrete,.D Con- IMums, Indian Corn, Squash,] City of Lawton article will address Medicare, private Advertise Where if Poys ~;~ 58-2586 or 712-944- [Mondamin Apples and Cider. I ouncll Proceedines pay and long-term care insurance. Next The Moville Record I Bring Your Camera | 2..onunuea ...... from rage 4)'° . month's article will address Medicaid I Enjoy The Maze. [ ~ ...... I ............. as a payment option for long-term care ...... . ............ , ............. City m,u ,~,u~ muu. u,e ~,',~;,'~r~ "~"via'~ v'='' limited ; [ x-xa=,~ a=o~xax~ I 1 wish to thank my family and friends ~ "CHAR-MAC Addition Urban . , ........ v ....... : ~H I | HOURS: 1 for the cards, visits, flowers, phone Renewal Plan',, ,ong-term care coverage. Medicare i! Before you OLD I Mon.-Fd.--9a.m.-6p.m. l calls and food brought to me since ~eetion 3. That the "'CHAR-MAC cover.s only. 100 days of ski!led nur.sing ~,a~l : ILE I [ Sat. -- 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 1 coming home from the hospital, lreally AtldlUon Urban Renown] Plan" Aroa Is care m a single benefit penod. Skdled i! ne I Sun. --- 1-5 p.m. / appreciate your thoughtfulness. . aL~ economic development aroa wllhln care is for those who need intensive, 24 7'"°,''' It, Ph'712"873"5700 / BethPetersen ttie meaning of lowa code Chapter 40 ; hours a day care and supervision by a at • ~O-g:that such area is aligible for doslgnation registered nurse. This care must follow estlm e ......... , ,, an urban r.ewal area and otherwi "' iFn IS,,,, eptember 18 I il RAY'S ELECTRICAL [ Card of Thanks meets all r" ulsltes under the - vist "" at least three days of covered hosp,tah- to4:00p.m. I | PLUMBING&HEATING I ~, Many thanks to all who came to our d~hantar4e~qc~tha~nd~nflnta~a:= zation. After the 20th day of skilled r th ! Water Softeners | i Ice Cream Social and to the volunteers, ~a~'"~o"" r~ll[~on'~-"c~s-orvati~, care, patients must make a $95.50 daily niture, China, I ;I RAYBARCELOU | the donations of ice cream, pies, cakes rd~evotopmont, devek~llent, or a copayment. Some Medicare Supple- ~Wave, Washer/I I Phone (712) 873-3866 [ and cash made it a great success and all combination thereof, of such area Is mental policies will pay that copayment ~re, i i [ 424 Jones, Movllle, IA 51039 I worth while. Your help is much apple- necessary in the interest of the public amount. Read your policy carefully to elated health, safety or welfare of the residents find out. After the 100th day, Medicare Your Senior Center Members of)his City.. ' will no longer pay for skilled nursing ONLY~ section 4 That the *CHAR-MAC Schlotman Construction [ 20-0 ........ "" - -' Pl " - " " care. Most people who need long-term Aeamon uman Heneweu an, attaenoo i m " i Building New Homes or RemodelingI Card of Thanks - he,,,,u ...... ~ ~,,,~,,=~"~'=" ,,s =,,,"'4 i,,w,r,v,=~,,~"~ care. do not .meet the qual ficanons, for. i Roofs, Garages, Decks, Steps, Etc. r Many thanks to our relatives and h~raln b" reference ~'- and the sam-- is skdled nursing care, so Medicare wdl . "T Y ~t,~ 11 ~ . , • [ FREE ESTIMATES I friends for the cards, flowers, food and hzreby approved arid adopted as the not be an available opnon to pay for sympathy shown to the family of~R-MAC A~0n Urt~n R~r~ ; long-term care: - 4 FAMILY. I Phone (712) 372-4996 ] Lowell Hobbs. We want to express our Urbane" forRenewalthe 'CHAR-MACplan. Area;~the .... anL°ng'termcare is privately paid whenmdtwduai pays the ennre cost of See us : appreciation for all who remembered us , R a.m, to 1:00 p.m. ~ .......... ~AR-MAC Addltt~ ~ on~val long-term ~are with their own assets i4 C ville Road, 1 11 LET CULLIGAN SOLVE i during our time of need. A special I~an for Such ~da IS heroby In all• • -~= ........."~--~ "-: "~. ~erk ~-~ :and income, People who pnvate pay ~ You II get the service, s. Millers, Law & | YOUR WATER PROBLEMS! [ thanks to the Moville Fire Department .~p~=nl~ff~ve~;~ e~.~ ~ ~ must pay the full cost that the nursing ] Automatic Softeners [ for their courtesies. Thank you. hereby d.,.,,,.,, ............... ,,, .... rates, coverages and ;: RAIN OR ! Automatic Iron Ftlter~ I Mrs. Lowell Hobbs said "CHAR-MAC Addition Ud3an nome cnarges tor care. a ne current Renewal Plan" with the roeeedir~ of statewide average cost of nursing home discounts you need in t. 17-18, 8:30 to I Reverse Osmosis DrinkingWaterSys/ems[ Diane & Howard Caldwell p .- thlsmeeting, care in Iowa is $2673 a month. The / auto insurancefromyour k Dr. - Moville. I ' Bottled Water Coolers [ Dennis HobbsSection 5. That the "CHAR-MACcost can vary greatly however. You are FarM utual agent who ' • table, mini-bike, l] Bag Salt and Bottled Water Delivery I 2O-P Addition Urban Renewal Plan for the required to pay for your own care until i represents Grinnell s, lots of misc. | McQueen's Sort Water Corp. I ' compare. • :| "Trust The Experts" [ CHAR-MAC Addition Urban Renewal your income and assets are reduced to ~ Hutual. See us today and ~[ Pierson, Iowa phone 375-5011 i Plan" Area shall be in lull force arid the level at which you would qualify ~: ] effect from the date of this resolution for Medicaid :--------r-----,r---~- ~- until the later of the date of terminauon Man ~ ' " " a "~''! ! McQueen Monument Sales set forth in the CHAR-MAC Addition . . . Urban Renewal Plan" or the date on lor their long-term carepurchase FOR cAsH I COMPLETE DISPLAY which payment of all obligations Issued : long.term care insurance. The insur- [ "YOU know we work for you.'" ,1 JOEL McQUEEN or advances made to carry out the ance allows them to retain their income Ors AVAIL- | Pierson, Iowa -- 20 Years Ago - ~r~,sos thereof shall be fully pmvidod and assets for other purposes. Whether ~ i Acres Mobile.| Telephone (712, 375-5414 for. Said "CHAR-MAC Addition Urban a person should buy long-term care ~'~S/s~us~ELL~...~.4L For app. Call i Office - 513 Second Street September13,1979 Renewal Plan shall be forthwith insurance depends on the likelihood R[//¢SU NCEuCOMPANY Eight young people reaffirmed their . .......... they wdl need nursing home care and , Orinnel| IA 5OI 12 certified by the City Clerk, along with a • ..... ,, , 1 for Woodbury County, Iowa, to be filed wnemer insurance =s anoroal31e ann BILE HOME i NEW HOUSE. baptismal vows in the Rite of Confir- copy o~ mm ~meo~uuon, to me HeOOroer ......... i ~" represented'by FarMutual agents m, Ph. 712- mation last Sunday morning, Septem- and recorded ln the manner provided b necessary to protect assets. The fol- 'SEE..." Y her 16, at Trinity Lutheran Church. law. lowing people will be more hkely to ] CONSTRUCTION They were Janette Conry, Tommy John, I Will work with owner on Randy Jahn, John Olson, Mike Span', day of AUGUST, 1999. • women - usually outlive their i INSURANCE ASS'N , ~ITS; PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 24 need nursing home care: ~ FARMERS MUTUAL items owner can do, such as Mark Kunkel, Matt Martin and Robert Mayor, Harold Robinson spouses, and 90% of nursing home Zellmer. Sihtv~lL~a~°ur~l • persons with a family history of ' Moville, Iowa-Ph. 873-3455 IPainting, roofing, etc. Wildcats Shut Out West Monona 7-0 ATTEST: residents are women; I L.L. Etler, President , our anor ino, ;m m At this time T. Maschlng introduced Aizheimer's or other degenerative , . . for a future ~ =eeudty | Liberty Constructors blasted in for a touchdown early in the ~ followt~ Resolutlon Purified, disease, and second quarter and the Wildcats made RESOLUTION MAKING AWARD OF •persons without family or friends i : Bonded & Insured it stand up for a 7-0 Maple Valley Con- CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT, and to provide daily care assistance or I Telephone 873-3731 . ference win over West Monona. moved its adoplion. D. Grau uoonded other financial assistance for care. Wesley United Methodist Church, the motion to adopt. The roll ,a~m cidled Whether you need long-term care in- i ... Akron, was the setting September 8,