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May 13, 1999 |
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Mother's Day
could not
nicer. God knows we are
night bingo was the best.
good, everyone had a .al_ ['~
jackpot was split three~ T H E
IS a first. Everyone wentBe ~q-~~~~~V~ ~ ~
z pansy plant compliments
~'e do appreciate her.a
the month of M y..
the book if you want to eat l
~', or call Delores Koehler
ng before 8:00 a.m. so your ~~'~/~-L
; in the pot They will have
t~t of the" month of May, "
Will be the same.
will be in on Mondays ' 1~
dancing routines. You arecoffee Our nurse Karenll
Come watch and have Volume Fifty-Seven MOVILLE, IOWA, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1999 (usps 366-9600 Number 2
Woodbury Co. Fair News Attention: Pet Owners !
the Center for blood presI Cenex/Land O'Lakes To
~ge sale and food sold a Purchase Distribution ~ I Grandstand entertainment has been ~1~--~~~- Moville's Stray Cat Problem INt~
on May 1 did very well, ines of Terra Inc. finahzed for the Woodbury County Fair 1 [~ City Hall has been receiving continu-
Bus" s • • coming up August 4 to 8, 1999. mm I ll:l:ll pus complaints from residential people i'
hole community did as well. Cenex/Land O'Lakes Agronomy • Many of the favorite activities were I I II i~ concerning stray cats. Numbers are
Georgia are moving to the Company, St. Paul, Minn., has agreed rescheduled. 1 I II ~J increasing daily and they become a
viii surely miss them, and to purchase the distribution business of The opening day of the fair features a 1 I 13~lt~'ll[~ nuisance to most.
an come out and join us for Terra Industries Inc., Sioux City, Iowa. Mead Demo Derby, Figure 8 Race, and 1 ~ The City has previously live caught
n. We have lost so many of The purchase will include Terra's ap- . , " ~" ","" 7" ~ ..... Tough Truck Contest at 7:30 p.m. .ll dozens on residential property of the
and members, we send our proximately 400 farm supply retail ......... MeaoowiarKs mague gait omclaiiy Thursday night August 5, the popular ~f"-.,,,.,,=~'J~ owners that have requested it. At pres-
s to their families. Enjoy the facilities, seed and chemical distn'bu- oegan, luesoay. . t~ven ..... w~tla tlae ciouas Rodeo will be the featured grandstand , ,, ..... ent someone stole the live catch cage
)wering trees and the little tion ' e ann cool weather the MeaaowiarKs are v nt a 7 0 lvlemorlai uay ervlces . •
ag their new home. See you and other related busmesses, m- e e t :3 p.m. and we are requestmg that ~t be re-
m ready to fly Our first Fun Ntght ts American Legion members are to ll
playing more than 2,600 people ' 31 " " ' " " Inaddition to the Nebraska Bush ' ' turned. If not - your tax money wi be
, keep a song in your heart - Cana The urchase also scheduled for the first Tuesday in June w " ff and roar their meet at the Senior Center at IO'l 5 a m e lac ent
on your face.,, states and da. p ............... ' Pullersha will pu ....... • " ~ • used to purchase a r p em .
~gn up mr me June i st Pun m~gnt is monaay May .~J tar practice the
includes Terra's portion of ownership in - modified tractors on Friday evening, . '. . • . The City has not been very strict on
on the Meadowlarks board Legtonnalres will perform ceremomes
I will be fishing,the Omnium chemical formulation . • . August 6 at 7:30 p.m. an Antique and . _ enforcing the leash law, which not only
Plantmg for the tee boxes is planned w at Arlington (Semetery at I 1 00 a m
plants in St. Joseph, Mo., and Out of the Field Tractor Pull ill be : '" includes dogs but also cats. For those
Meal Menu Blytheville, Ark. for Saturday, May 15 at 9:00 a.m. held beginning at 10 a.m. Friday that have cats as pets they should be a
May 14 The agreement does not include put- Flowers are purchased. Please, plan to morning, able to keep them restrained to their
mixed vegeta- chase of Terra's nitrogen manufacturing help that morning. Many hands will At 1:30 p.m. Saturday afternoon the property or inside. Any running loose
l'Salad, sherbet, facilities, make the job easy. Northwest Iowa Tractor Pullers will put are then open to catching and disposing ;j
17 "This opportunity to purchase Terra's A 2-Gal Best Shot is planned at the on a pull with I and 2 cycle cylinderSUMMER HOURS of.
hroom sauce, distribution business enhances our total Meadows for June 12th. Get the word stock garden tractors, 2 cycle motorcy- Starting Monday, May 17, CouchPet owners please try to cooperate
creamy coleslaw, cooperative agriculture supply busi- out. Plans are being made. Watch the cle powered tractors, 4 cylinder motor- Potato Video will change to summer with the City, and be considerate of
hess," said AI Giese, president, Meadowlarks board for sign-up and cycle powered tractors, 4 cylinder hours. Open Friday, Saturday and Sun- your neighbors• •
19 Cenex/Land O'Lakes Agronomy Cam- more details, automotive powered tractors, 4 cylinder day from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m.
it, carrots, to- pany. "We're continually looking for Have a great golf summer, ladies, automotive powered tractors, and 8 Funeral Services Held
P. ways to improve efficiency as we WC Band Concert cylinder mini-rods. On Saturday night Girls Summer Basketball For James F. Dunnmgton
source and supply products and serv- August 7 the Northwest Iowa Chuck League Sign-up May 14 Funeral services for James F. Dun-
from the Legal ices to farmers through local coopera- On Tuesday, May 18th, the Woodbury
Older lowans tives. Our regional cooperative's agron- Central Instrumental Music Department Wagon Racers will begin at 7:00 p.m. If any of next years 7m or 8th grade nington, 86, of Wickenburg, Arizona
and Great- amy business growth and profitability will be presenting its first annual 6-12 These racers are a featured attraction girls would like to play in the South were held Wednesday, April 28, 1999
on in Iowa depends on increasing volume and band concert. Band members in grades yearly at the Clay County Fair in Sioux City Summer Basketball league at the Fort Whipple VA Medical Center
great-grandparents maximizing our distribution and service 6-12 will perform in this concert which Spencer. Come ready for an evening of on Monday nights during the month of Chapel in Prescott, Arizona. Chaplain
visitation with their capabilities." will include a variety of music such as exciting races. June, please call Bogie Webb by Fri- Geral Geilstein officiated. Concluding
or great-grandchildren, Specifically the acquisition of Terra's folk songs, dixieland, classical, con- The fair closes with a "bang" on Sun- day, May 14. 873-3801• services were held April 30 at the Na-
able to petition the court distribution business would bring the temporary, and rock. Groups perform- day evening, August 8 at 6:00 p.m. tional Cemetery of Arizona in Phoenix.
ordered visitation. AI- Agronomy Company and the regional ing include percussion ensemble, jazz when 50 or more cars vie for the trophy Gifted Students Honored Mr. Dunnington was born December
generally have cooperative system an additional $1 band, 6th/7th grade band, and high of the Demo Derby. By Iowa Talent Search 17, 1912 in Salix, Iowa, the son of
who can visit and billion in crop protection product sales, school symphonic band. The 6th/7th Mark your calendar for August 4 to 8 Approximately 4000 students from, Edward and Lillie (VanKirk) Dun-
child, a grandparent or 2.5 million tons of plant food business, grade band and the high school band and plan to come and join the fun at the across Iowa participated in the 1998-99 nington. He served his country in the
will also perform together as a cam- Woodbury County Fair. Iowa Talent Search, a cooperative ef- U.S. Army during WWII. After a year ~,
Will be granted vial- and over $100 million in seed sales. Carnival entertainment will be pro- fort of the Office of Precollegiate Pro- in service he was injured and was "
objection of a custodial The Agronomy Company ended 1998 blued band. The concert will take place ~i
with nearly $700 million of crop pro- in the WC theater at 7:30 p.m. on May vided by the McDermott Family grams for Talented and Gifted medically discharged. He married t~
requirements are met. tection product sales and 5 million tons 18 with a reception in the Commons Shows. For more information about the (OPPTAG) and Iowa State University. Patricia Ann Cooper December 12,
prove legal status to following the concert. Plan to attend an fair, call Jack &Nancy Bur- Through the talent search, academically 1956. He worked for the Ford Garage
the law, and the grand- of plant food sales, right,(712)375-5274, gifted seventh, eighth, and ninth grade and built turkey sheds for the Hunting
The transaction is expected to be fi- evening of fine instrumental music.
students take the SAT or ACT tests-- Brothers in Moville before moving to
must live in
tbe court has to find that nalized by mid-summer. Giese says Nurse In Movlile the same tests administered to col- Arizona in 1967. He worked as a
m the best mterests of farmers currently doing business with School Board Recognition The nurse from the Moville Cliniclege-bound high school juniors and maintenance engineer for the Wicken-
the' grandparent or Terra should not experience operational Week May 9-15, 1999 will be at the Senior Center Friday, seniors• Despite being three to five burg School District for five years and *
they have changes. Volunteer school board members ~. May 14 from 11:00 a.m. to h00 p.m. years younger, the average scores of retired in 1974.
SUbstantial relationship" The Cenex/Land O'Lakes Agronomy serve countless hours working to en- and at City Hall from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. talent search participants are about the Mr. Dunnington died April 26, 1999
Prior to filing a visitation Company provides plant food, crop sure every Iowa student receives an same as the average scores achieved by at the Fort Whipple VA Medical Center
protection products, information man- excellent education. School Board Serviceman's News juniors and seniors, and many partici- in Prescott, Arizona.
or great-grandparentagement and agronomy technical serv- Recognition Week, May 9-15, 1999, is Eric M. McFarland has joined the pants score significantly better! Survivors include his wife; a daughter
file a petition in court ices (and seed through an alliance with an opportunity to say thanks to the United States Army under the Delayed The approximate top 25% of test tak- Sharyl Ann Richter of Kearny, Ari-
if a parent of the Land O'Lakes), to producers through more than 2,100 men and women who Entry Program at the U.S. Army Re- era, just over 1,000 students this year, zona; a son Edward James and his wife
refuses to allow local cooperatives. The Agronomy govern Iowa's public education system, cruiting Station, Sioux City, Iowa. were honored for their outstanding Cindi of Congress, Arizona; six grand- i
grandparent or great- Company is a marketing joint venture This year's theme "Leaders for The program gives young men and performance at a recognition ceremony children, Tabitha, Brianna, Brandi, i
• the parent unreasona- of Cenex Harvest States Cooperatives Learning" - recognizes that school women the opportunity to delay enter- on Saturday, May 1, 1999, at C.Y. Ste- Codi, R.J. and Joshua•
There are sev- and Land O'Lakes, Inc. board members are community leaders ing active duty for up to one year. phens Auditorium at Iowa State Uni-
that also give a dedicated to ensuring that students The enlistment gives the new soldier versity in Ames. At the ceremony, the Woodbury Central School I
legal WCCAA Head Start learn the skills they need for success• the option to learn a new skill, travel top 25% of students were recognized as
The Iowa Association of Schooland become eligible to receive as much Commended Scholars, the top 3% as Retirement Open House
visitation. Some Programs Taking Boards is developing state and local as $50,000 toward a college education.
a divorce of the Iowa Scholars, and the top I% as Gay- Woodbury Central School will be
Placement of a child in Applications May 25 recognition activities. Governor Tom After completion of basic military ernor's Scholars. As a part of their rec- hosting a retirement open house from
On Tuesday, May 25th the Woodbury Vilsack will sign a proclamation May 6 training, soldiers receive advanced ognition, Iowa Scholars and Governor's 2:00 p,m. - 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, May
or great-grand- County Community Action Agencyto commend school board members for individual training in their career ape- Scholars each were awarded a one- 16 for Bob & Mary Ann Jensen, Bertha
status to petition for Head Start program will be taking ap- their dedication to student achievement, cialty, course scholarship from an Iowa col- Love, & La Donna Peters.
must find that the plications to fill available spots in next Individual school districts plan local McFarland will report to Fort Leon- lege or university. These scholarships Bob Jensen is finishing his 30th ytmt
best interests of the year's Head Start and Home Based appreciation activities for board mem- ard Wood, Waynesville, Mo., for basic : are intended to be used in high school as middle school principal, Mary Ann
the factors the court Head Start program. We will also be bers in conjunction with this special training June 15, 1999. to provide additional academic chal- Jensen her 23rd year as a teacher aide,
determining whether taking applications for Early Start. ' week. School district superintendents, He is the son of Karen K. Mercer of lenges for these bright young students. Bertha Love her 29th year as a 4th
the best interests of Applications will be taken May 25 at area education agency administrators Moville, and Timothy G. McFarland of Among the students from Woodburygrade teacher, and La Donna Peters h~
the type of the Correctionville Community Center and community college presidents will 7325 W. Minnezona Ave., Phoenix, Central to be honored at the ceremony 23rd year as high school secretary,
grandparent and WIC Clinic from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 receive a packet of materials from Ariz. with the distinction of Commended Everyone is invited to come celebrate
grandparent is a p.m. IASB for use in recognition activities, Scholar were Andrea Maxwell, ninth & reminisce at the high school cam-
on the child, the Parents who may be income-eligible such as certificates of appreciation and AG Group Offers $25,000 grade and Michael Leonard, eighth mona.
refusing to and have children who will be three a list of ideas for honoring board mem- InScholarships grade.
contact with the years old by September 15, 1999 are bers.
old enough, the encouraged to apply for Head Start. IASB encourages parents, community College-bound Iowa youth active in
Consider the child'sParents of children with special needs leaders, students, teachers, business 4-H or FFA livestock projects may
are also encouraged to apply. Pregnant people and others to honor their local apply by June 15 for $25,000 in schol-
women and families who may be in- board members. Groups interested in arships available from the Iowa Faun- ~0R
also find that the come-eligible with children from birth being involved in a recognition event dation for Agricultural Advancement
had a (IFFAA).
with the child to age three are encouraged to apply for should contact their local school district
will be successful Early Head Start. superintendent or the Iowa Association The following scholarships are avail-
• Head Start is a comprehensive early of School Boards, 700 Second Ave., able to freshmen entering any Iowa
a grandchild
3n for this childhood education program designed Ste. 100, Des Moines, Iowa 50309- two- or four-year postsecondary school
to give children the benefits of struc- 1731, (515) 288-1991 or toll-free, this fall and majoring in animal science
if no such relation-tured preschool education, nutrition, 1-800-795-4272 or livestock-related fields, according to
past, presumably
effect on the medical/dental care, child care services, Public Schools: More than 2,100 sonlFFAA: spokesman, Dr. Harold H. Hod-
no relationship in the and early parental involvement in the men and women serve on elemen-
of a substantial rela- child's schooling, tary/secondary school boards in Iowa, • two $2500 one-year scholarships
InClude a history of Home Base Head Start is a free home guiding the education of 508,000 young • one $2000 one-year scholarship
visits and regularbased programforlow-inoome families people at an annual expenditure of • fifteen $1000 one-year scholar-
of three to five year old children who more than $2.8 billion. School board ships
or exchange of let- live in rural Woodbury County. A members are elected by their local • six $500 one-year scholarships •
nds that there is both home visitor will come to your home communities in an election held the Applications and additional informa-
with the
it is in the best once a week. Twice a month the chil- second Tuesday of each September. tion are available from county 4-H
to continue dren and parents get together for group They serve three-year terms, with part offices, local FFA advisors and Dr.
visitation may be socialization, of the board elected each year to main- Hodson or Marly Snyder at Swine Ge-
Early Head Start is a hon~ based tain continuity and experience. About netics International, 1.800-247-3958.
might be entitled to program for families with children 70 percent of Iowa's 375 public K-12 Selection will be based on level of 4-H •
grandchildren orfrom birth to age three and for pregnant school boards have five members and or FFA involvement in livestock proj-
or have questions women who live in Woodbury County. 30 percent have seven members,ect work, livestock exhibition and/or
rights, call the Le- This program promotes healthy prena- School board members receive no pay. judging, scholarship, leadership and M~ 9 1E 1999
tal outcomes for pregnant women and Their only reward is the satisfaction career plans. " t '
is provided by the enhances the development of very they receive from public service. Winners will be announced at the
Older lowans young children. It also promotes • Area Education Agencies: The Iowa State Fair's annual 4-H/FFA "Sale
a Project of the Le- healthy family functioning• state's 15 area education agencies of Champions" (August 21), also spon-
of lowathatis Parents need to bring verification of (AEAs) are governed by 124 board sated by IFFAA. The 1999 Iowa State '~¢ ehool board making
the U.S. Admini-their income. Accepted forms include members who are elected for three-year Fair will run August 12 -22. For more
is a free, paycheck stubs, tax returns or wage terms by public school board members. Fair information, check out the Fair's a difforoneo for tud nt .
for all lowans 60 statements from their employer. Also Iowa AEAs are intermediate service web site at: Tako limp to than .
needed is their child's birth certificate, units that provide special education, The IFFAA is a non-profit organiza-
~tters. immunization records, social security media and educational services to local tion of individuals and corporations
numbers of everyone in the household schools, whose goal is to support youth live-
.. and healthinsuranceinformation. Community Colleges: Iowa's 15 stock project work in Iowa. IFFAA Iowa Association of School Boards
two-year community colleges are gay- scholarship funds come from a percent- 700 Second Avenue, Ste. IO0
erned by five to nine board members age of Sale of Champions proceeds, as Des Moines, IA 50309-173 I
elected by local residents in an election well as Winner's Circle Club donations. 1-800-795-4272
| held the second Tuesday of each Sep-
tember. One-hundred-twenty-four pep- Advertise Where it Pays
pie serve on community college boards. - The Nioville Record