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Moville, Iowa
March 11, 1999     Moville Record
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March 11, 1999
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PAGES THE MOVILLE RECORD- THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1999 PIERSON CHRISTIAN CHURCH 228 Summit Pierson, Iowa Lea [,arson, Pastor - 375.5048 -1"- Sunday, March 14 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - Worship Service MEADOW STAR UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Pastor Keith Pals Parsonage Phone 375-5520 .t". Sunday, March 14 9:15 a.m. - Worship Service , 10:30 a.m. - Sunday School PIERSON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Pastor Keith Pals Parsonage Phone 375-5520 -t- Sunday, March 14 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School 10:30 a.m. - Worship Service ROCK BRANCH UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Correctionville, Iowa Kent Kastler, Pastor Phone 712-373-5382 -1"- Sunday, March 14 9:00 a.m. - Worship Service 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. - Youth Fellowship (1st & 3ra Sunday) SALEM LUTHERAN CHURCH Rural Correctionviile Rev. Scott Meier, Pastor -1"- Sunday, March 14 9:00 a.m. - Education Hour 10:00 a.m. - Worship Tuesday, March 16 9:00 a.m. - Do-Day • Wednesday, March 17 7:00 p.m. - Lenten Worship ST. MICHAEL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Kingsley, Iowa Father James Fangman, Pastor Mass Saturday at 6:00 p.m. Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Meeting on Leafy Spurge Held At Pecaut Loess Hills Nature Center Almost thirty people attended a Leafy Spurge Workshop Wednesday evening (2/23/99) at the Dorothy Pecant Nature Center noah of Sioux City, Iowa, to learn more about new tools that are available to fight the noxious weed J leafy spurge. The meeting, co-spon- sored by the Woodbury .County Con- servation Board and the Iowa Nature Conservancy, is part of the noahwest Iowa leafy spurge control project un- derway with funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. Project partners include private landowners, Plymouth and Woodbury County Con- servation Boards, the Iowa Department of Transportation, and Iowa DNR's Stone State Park. The Iowa Nature Conservancy provided private match- ing funds for the project. Leafy spurge is a tough and aggres- siva exotic plant that has become a major problem weed for agriculture, especially in areas where grazing is practiced. It is estimated .th~,t it costs more than $150 million in losses per year in the Dakotas, Montana and Wyoming alone. The plant also de- stroys native prairies, one of the ha- tion's rarest natural communities. In Iowa, less than one tenth of one percent of the state's original native prairie remains. When leafy spurge invades a native prairie, one plant species -- leafy spurge - replaces "the diverse mix of hundreds of plants that compose a na- tive prairie, thereby diminishing our rich natural legacy. .... Eliminating leafy spurge has been a i[~,t problem for cattle producers and prairie enthusiasts alike, because treating large areas using herbicides is prohibitively expensive. At the meeting, Mark Hol- lister, domestic programs coordinator with the U.S. Department of Agricul- ture, discussed a promising new tool to combat leafy spurge: tiny insects called 'flea beetles' which are natural enemies of spurge in Eurasia, and which have been brought to Noah America, tested, and approved for use by the U.S. De- partment of Agriculture. Explains Hollister, 'The beetles work because the larvae crawl underground and chew on the roots. I have seen i cases where, after a few years, dense mats of spurge have been completely wiped out.' Hollister has worked with landowners noah of Sioux City to release beetles and establish insectaries -- areas where beetles may be harvested and shared with others. After five years, these pioneer landowners are starting to see the results. 'I was ready to call Mark and tell him it just wasn't working• But this year, it looks very encouraging out in my pasture,' says landowner Chuck Leonard. The Iowa Nature Conservancy is also starting an insectary on its Broken Ket- tle Grasslands Preserve, and plans to share its beetles in a few years once the READ ALL THE PIERSON NEWS "FIRST" IN THE PROGRESS SECTION OF THE MOVILLE RECORD OtVt -- 50 Years Ago - -- 60 Years Ago - March 10, 1949 March 9, 1939 Red Skelton, that miracle of mirth, Pierson's "home-grown" Hillbilly's, was never funnier as he sets off a bar- W.K. Norris and sons, walked away rage of belly-laughs, giggles and guf- with first prize award won in the Trib- faws in his latest rib-tickling laugh-riot, une Amateur program broadcast over "The Fuller Brush Man," in which he is KTRI last Sunday evening• "Bully of starred with Janet Blair• the Town" was the selection played by Now French dress designers have the Norris trio, with banjo, violin, and given milady something else to worry guitar arrangement. about. They're trying to pull the skirt Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mills are the up again to two inches below the knee. proud parents of a seven-pound baby American designers are indignant and girl bum Saturday, March 4. Mrs. Mills have taken firm hold of the hem line to will be remembered as the former Ada 11 or 12-inches from the floor. So the Kissinger. tug-of-war is on. Gentlemen of their own domain are Graveside services were held at the they - living in a ten room farm dwell- Rock Branch cemetery on Wednesday ing, surrounded by one of every two afternoon March 2r~, for Mrs. Sarah things the home folk didn't want. Their Rarick, 98 year old Iowa Pioneer who domestic policy is to clean the domicile died January 22, 1949 at the Santa Bar- from gables to cellar twice yearly bara, California home of her grand- whether it needs it or not. Culinary daughter, Mrs. Jack Allen• technique has reached the fine point of A one-day better milking clinic at the offering up burnt offerings and serving Armory in Sioux City Thursday was geometric portions of gravy• Inciden- attended by more than 300 dairy farm- tally things look a bit hazy as they em- ers interested in increasing profits by bark on single bliss. - But if you care to greater production• meet a couple of Pierson's most aggres- Loy Elser, Pierson, son of Mr. and sive young farmers, present your card Mrs. Ralph Elser, is to play the part of to Charleton Richards and Orville Dra- Horatio in the production of "Hamlet" god. You'll find a latchstring on the which is to be given by the Wayne gate. State dramatic department. insectary is established. 'We used a Bookmobile Schedule different species of beetle than the. March 1, 1999 - March 19, 1999 USDA, so between the two of us peo- March 11, 1999 pie will have a good selection,' says 8:30- 8:50 Pierson Public Library Nature Conservancy acting Science and 9:00 - I 1:00 Pierson School Stewardship Director Scott Moats of March 15, 1999 Westfield. This is important because 9:00 - 11:30 River Valley Elementary the beetles are very picky about the School (Cushing) environment they're in, so about a third March 16, 1999 of the time they don't work. So then you have to try another species.' 8:45 - 9:30 Anthon Public Library 9:45 - I 1:45 Anthon School The flea beetles aren't for everyone, 12:30 - 12:50 1622 Lee Avenue - Cor- though. 'Flea beetles work best with a dense stand of spurge,' explains Hol- rectionville (Michael Berkes) lister, 'they need a certain stem density March 17, 1999 (Wednesday) to thrive. With lighter infestations 8:45-10:30WoodburyCentral Middle you'll probably do better with chemi- School and Elementary (Moville) cals.' March 19, 1999 8:45 - ll:00 Woodbury Central Ele- Those interested in trying the beetles may contact the Iowa Nature Conser- mentary School (Moville) vancy's office at (515) 244-5044 or Dawn Chapman, Woodbury County Naturalist at (712) 258-0838. ED FMr T PROUDLY! AHERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION® of~ For children with asthma and other lung diseases and Help your kid be a June 13-19, 1999 Boone, IA II linformation When You Can't Breathe, Nothing Else Matters® Space contributed by the publisher as a public service. Advertise Where it Pays The Moville :.>::. I out of 4 babies is not fully" your child could get a deadly disease. get all your baby's shots before age two. 1 800 232 2522 KCAC Poor Man's Stag Saturday, March 20, 1999 At The Kingsley Community Center Doors open at 6:30 p•m. Serving from 6:30-8:30 • * Close at 1:00 a.m. Early Bird Drawing - $1.00 Deadline - March 10, 1999 Donation - $25.00 at the Door - $30.00 Need Not Be Present To Win • ~IROCK AUCTION - BROCK AUCTION - BROCK AUCTION - BROCK AUCTION - BROCK AUCTION - BROCK AUU I IUNo~ i 'ION ~ RD * Dr. Tom Foushee, D.P.M. Dr. Thomas J. NORTHWEST DENTIST FOOT & ANKLE ASSOC, Office Hours: Available by appt. on Tues, 9-5 in Wq Kingsley Officel West 2"J St. Suite E 9:00-1 Phone 378-3823 Thursda~ and at 1915 Morningside Ave., Sioux City B Available by appointment on r4on., Wed., Thurs, & Fri. 214 Main Phone (712) 274-8736 Phone (712) MOVILLE AREA MEDICA'L CLINIC Funeral i~'~ ,1~ VERNON HELT, M.D. Mark Rohde- 1 ROGER L. COX, PA-C r Moville, Iowa 51039 MONUII fEi " BROCK AUCTION CO., INC. ta es your auction to the World and brings tile World to you ~ Phone (712)873-5225 MARK ~ auction. Brock Auction Co. is proud to announce the opening of their own Web page & site on the World Wide o Specializing in Family PracticeTelephone (712) m Web. We have done this to expose your auction to the entire wodd. In keeping you. our clients, best interest in Appointments Available Kingsley, Iowa ' mind, we wanted to offer this service to you. Visit us on for upcoming sales, list of ~ Mon.-Fri• 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ~ inventories on these sales 8 much more. o Here are a few of the upcoming auctions already on the Web Site being exposed to the world: > Kingsley VisiOn o= undav. March 14th. 1 Farm machinery consignment Sale z Dr. Dennis R. Dr. John J Sch~ m, Plymouth Co. Fairgrounds, Le Mars. ~ Dr. William Ha# March 17 thru March. 21 World's Largest Original Western Art• °o OPTOMETRI , Great Falls, Montana C.M. Russel Museum Eyes Examined "" GI Frldav. March 26. 11 a.m Farm Machinery & Misc Items . t~ Contact lel 3188:1 250th St., Merril Mark Miller, Owner. ' Saturday. March 27. 1 t .m Household woodworking & shop tools z Phone 378-2640 IO~ ~-, Remer Drive, Le Mars - L Don & Vickle Ott, owners. '_ ' Sundav. At)ril 1t Western Classic Lamb Sale o ANDERS( - - Randy Whitney, Ida Grove. McCulloch AccoUNT: Sundav. April 11.3 a.m. Kingsley Pierson After Prom Party Auction Funeral Home ..... KingsleY,2)3'!°~ < Kingsley. " 2 ,enepnone ~71 Saturday. April 17 St. Thomas Academy Auction zo JOHN ERDMANN Tuesday" Tl Ut Minneal)olis, Minnesota Phone 712-873-5100 ~ Tax Prepara~( , " O~ • Sunday. APril 18. 1 D.m. Antique & Household 414 1St NW, Le Mars Rieka Johnson, owner. Moville -q Year End ==' 13 " , Iowa ,J Bookkeep=ng = Saturdav. April 24. 12:30 I).m. "Household & Misc. Items storage shed > < 750 Plv nouth St. SW, Le Mars Ron Miltenberger, owner. =¢ - , . ANTItO] 8 Saturdav. April 24. 5:30 o.m. o Dr. Byron Linden CHIRf PRACTI(: ¢_ Sioux C-itv, IA - Catholic Schools of Sioux City Fundraiser z DR OF CHIROPRACTIC ......... ... ,~.." ... ~nWh =' Saturdav.'Mev 1.11 a.m. Westmar University Surplus " DK. u. u. ~.,-" , Phone (712) 873-5111 Anthon, !o'~' Weatrnar campus, Le Mars o° Mon. & Fri. 8:00-12:00 & 2:00-5:00Phone (712) 3'/" Tues. & Thurs. ~ 9:00-12:00 and Monday 9:00-12: _ If you want the best auction professionals available, anywhere, to handle your Farmland, Farm ........ < Machinery, Antiques & Collectibles, Business Liquidations f, Auctions of all kinds, and have your 2:00-7:00 Tuesday9:00"12:00~" Wednesda ' 9:00"12'~' auction exposed to the world, contact for Appointment Friday ;Yi00"12:00~.. ]~ ~ ~ 246 Main Moville, Iowa Saturday 10:00 a.m. BY AP =- 1 :] ;~0IH "W_'lULq I [0J f ID'J~0PB ~ ~ I r JBruce R. Brock Chuck Hardie SEE US FOR ALL YOUR I, 30 Plymouth St. SW . 23 West 2nd St. lldlL, i aa3 s s I = Kin Ide , IA 510 , r 28 a,,~ ~ e3e-4e.t6 ~, _ ~'.'~?. LeMIrI, IA51031 ~i ~ , , m:a 0,.,~,.o -,,, = Insurance Needs , I~ki 712-548-4634 Office ~ ~1~ 712-378-3232Office ~ 2~,,~', .;~:~t~~, ~, ¢~ I |lr~ 712-548-4611 Home ~: ' -- 712.378-2382 Home mBmm Office at First Trust & Savin s Ba ag f~ROCK /%IJCTION - BROCK AUCTION - BROCK AUCTION - BROCK miCTInN - trent',, ^,,r,~,,,,, -,,;',.:," . Phone (712)873-3131---Moville, Iowa t i,